B95 Cassomir

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Carte de Cassomir

Abbey Green: This district surrounds the ruins of Quickfall Abbey and is bordered to the north by Threegates and to the south by the Imperial Naval Shipyards. Abbey Green is tenanted by artisans, historians, former military officers, and well-to-do merchants. The buildings here are some of the oldest in Cassomir, constructed of stone, brick, and mortar, and generally standing no taller than three stories. Many resident merchants live here in apartments above their stores, and Abbey Green is also occupied by some of Taldor’s finest tailors, leatherworkers, jewelcrafters, and fine metalworkers. Quickfall Abbey’s storied past of hauntings and disappearances does little to bring down the mood of Abbey Green, and the district is often alive with street fairs, artist showcases, and outdoor concerts. Most of the residents of Abbey Green, despite the district’s jovial nature, still generally avoid Quickfall Abbey, and whisper stories of the frightful moaning, banging, and screams said to pierce the cool night air above the ruins.

Admiral’s Fen: Built to feed the quick expansion of Cassomir after the construction of the Imperial Shipyards, Admiral’s Fen has long fought a losing battle with the murky dampness of the Blackwood Swamp. Admiral’s Fen is bordered on the north by the Imperial Naval Shipyards and to the west by Grayguard Castle and Grayguard’s Shadow. The land that later became this district was reclaimed from the swamp by draining a significant portion of it into the brackish moat that surrounds the city. Streets were planned, buildings constructed, and sewers dug, but all of it quickly began to lose ground to the ever-expanding—and some would say malevolent—Blackwood Swamp. Today the Fen’s air is a perpetual swamp-stink of wet mud, rotting vegetation, and murky pools of water. The streets long ago sunk and were replaced mostly by rutted, muddy lanes. The buildings are mostly intact, but those with poor foundations crashed to the ground long ago, leaving muddy ruins in places. The denizens of Admiral’s Fen make do with their situation and employ engineers, and sometimes even wizards, to keep the district as dry as possible. It’s a losing battle, though, and because of it the district has over the years moved from being a well-to-do neighborhood of aristocrats and nobility to a worn-out burg of lower-class craftsmen, dock workers, and outright thugs. The Fen is largely seen as Cassomir’s haven for crime—a reputation the vagabonds of Dog’s Teeth are happy to foment.

The Admiralty Citadel: Originally constructed as the home of the first governor of Cassomir, the Admiralty Citadel is an impressive stone structure located in the southeast corner of the Old Cassomir district. Surrounded on three sides by enormous towers and thick stone walls, and on the fourth by the large ramparts that surround Old Cassomir, the Admiralty Citadel commands an impressive view of Cassomir’s harbor. Though the Imperial Navy is headquartered on Jadrishar Island in Oppara, most naval officers receive their training and serve out their posts at the Admiralty Citadel. The citadel is also home to Admiral Kasaba, the current head of the Taldan Imperial Navy, whose job it is to keep up with the Grand Prince’s demand for ships. At the center of the Admiralty Citadel is a towering building of marble and granite with an open courtyard at its center. This building houses five floors of officers encompassing Taldor’s best and brightest shipwrights in addition to a large cadre of the top officers of the Imperial Navy. Admiral Kasaba’s offices are on the top floor on the south side overlooking the Imperial Naval Shipyards, forever watching the progress of dozens of ships under constant construction. Since the citadel once served as the primary fortification for Old Cassomir, dozens of levels of dungeons and crypts lie beneath its rocky foundations. Many of the lower dungeons are sealed, and rumors abound of connections to the Darklands and an enormous city of derros who stalk the midnight streets of Cassomir and gain access to the city via these very tunnels.

Dog’s Teeth: A ragtag jumble of rocky islets just off the coast of Grayguard Castle, the Dog’s Teeth are inhabited by the largest assembly of vagabonds and adventurers in Cassomir. At low tide, the Dog’s Teeth are connected to the beach below the castle, but high tide forces the denizens of the Teeth to use rickety canoes and smaller sailing vessels to reach the shore. The Dog’s Teeth are ruled by an enigmatic old half-orc named Tarik the Unclean, who maintains order in this unofficial district of Cassomir through cajoling, bribes, and outright violence. Because the heart of Cassomir’s black market lies in the tangled web of Dog’s Teeth politics, there’s money to be found there—money that Tarik doesn’t hesitate to see land in the coffers of the influential nobility in the city proper. Thanks to years of bribery, blackmailing, and a few questionable deaths, the denizens of Dog’s Teeth are left to their own devices and are completely ignored by the Cassomir constabulary. For those visiting Cassomir hoping to plumb the depths of the infamous Cassomir’s Locker or to explore the rumored Darklands catacombs below, Dog’s Teeth is the best place to find magical items, weapons, and contraband cargo, though those with refined tastes will need to overlook the general squalor and stench of the place to find the thriving market within.

Imperial Naval Shipyards: No other place in the Inner Sea region manufactures vessels of war at the pace, quality, and volume of the Taldan Imperial Naval Shipyards in Cassomir. The poorly kept secret behind the unsurpassed excellence of Cassomir’s shipyards lies in the blackwood trees harvested by the druids of the Wildwood Lodge and sent to Cassomir in great numbers. The mutually beneficial arrangement serves to protect the druids’ pact with Taldor in return for supplying the empire with the hardest, lightest wood on Golarion. Nearly every Taldan ship of war that sails the seas is built of this blackwood, with 90% of them constructed in Cassomir. The towering skeletons of dozens of ships in various states of construction make up the heart of this district, administered by a bustling cottage industry of woodworkers, rope-makers, tar and pitch factories, sail weavers, and lumber mills. The district also houses the industries of interest to sailors returning home for the first time in a great while—brothels, moneylenders, inns, pubs, fighting pits, shrines, and open-air markets are everywhere, and humanity constantly packs the district during the day. At night, the Cassomir constabulary heavily patrols the shipyards to protect the vessels being built, but even these patrols fail to keep crime at bay, and citizens are frequently warned to avoid the shipyards after nightfall. Recent kidnappings of prominent residents of the shipyards have the city on edge, and the constabulary has vowed to get to the bottom of the crimes.

Grayguard Castle: Grayguard Castle is an impressive fortress that stands watch over the entrance to Cassomir’s harbor. Its high, vertigo-inducing walls and towers bristle with catapults, ballistas, and trebuchets, each ready at a moment’s notice to unleash hell on any enemy captain insane enough to sail into the harbor under a flag of war. The castle itself is home to Governor Bozbeyli, administrator of Cassomir Prefecture, and a distant cousin of Grand Prince Stavian III. The enormous temple in the center of Grayguard Castle was once one of the largest temples to Aroden outside of Oppara. Today, the temple is instead tended to by all of the faiths of Taldor, and a small clerical school there trains healers for duty on Taldan naval vessels. Constructed atop an outcropping of rock jutting from Blackwood Swamp, Grayguard is the highest point in Cassomir. Only a single road winds up to the impressive gates, and security at Grayguard is tight, since the castle’s fall would signal the end of land-based security in the harbor.

Grayguard’s Shadow: This small district exists to supply the castle with whatever it needs. Its borders press tightly against the castle’s impressive walls, starting north of the castle and winding around to the southeast side. So named because the castle casts the district in shadow for much of the day, Grayguard’s Shadow remains clean and well patrolled by the constabulary and naval security forces. The only landing for ships outside of the Imperial Naval Shipyards is a single fortified dock surrounded by dozens of warehouses and import/export businesses that keep the castle well stocked with weaponry and supplies. Grayguard’s Shadows rests primarily on the rocky outcropping that also supports the castle, and therefore does not suffer the same issues of rot and decay that plague Admiral’s Fen. Anyone traveling from the Fen into Grayguard’s Shadow knows they’ve entered the district the moment the roads appear again and buildings stand up straight.

Old Cassomir: Actually but the third-oldest district in Cassomir, Old Cassomir gets its name from its role as the city proper for the majority of Cassomir’s history. Surrounded on all sides by impressive ramparts and accessed only by two enormous gates on the east side, Old Cassomir is a charming district of solidly constructed buildings, well-paved streets, and a large park system that surrounds the district and abuts the ramparts—effectively keeping the ramparts clear of construction should they ever need to be manned for war. Old Cassomir houses the Admiralty Citadel, Pharasma’s Pulpit, and the odd Swift Prison, as well as the majority of Cassomir’s nobility and senatorial class. The few unbearded (the Taldan lower class) who call Old Cassomir home are generally servants, gardeners, butlers, or any types of craftsmen who deal in the upkeep of homes and estates. Crime is low in Old Cassomir, as the headquarters of the Cassomir constabulary is located here and most of the constables call this district home. Still, rumors abound of strange, shrouded men wandering the streets at night, and rare but frightening disappearances happen here just as often as they do in other parts of the city.

Threegates: This small district of perfectly aligned streets, romantic brick row houses, tree-lined avenues, and small but beautiful parks garners its name from its location between the main gates of the city and the two main gates of Old Cassomir. The wealthiest district of Cassomir, Threegates is home to the remainder of the city’s senatorial and nobility class citizens, as well as most of the wealthy merchants associated with the ship-building trade. Abbey Green borders Threegates on the south, while to the west lie the ramparts of Old Cassomir, and to the east the city’s brackish moat and Blackwood Swamp.

La rivière Sellen et la Fourche de la Veduran sont fortement patrouillés par le corps des Gardes de la Rivière qui appartient au corps de la Marine Impériale. Au moyen de petits clippers élégant qui composent le gros de leur flotte, la Garde de la Rivière est l'autorité ultime sur les cours d'eau à l'intérieur des frontières de Taldor. Ses marins abordent fréquemment les embarcations à la recherche d’activités illicite et, paraît-il, pour prendre leur part avant que les marchandises n’arrivent jusqu‘à la Baie des Etoiles et ne tombent sous le parapluie des grands navires de la Marine Impériale Taldan. La Garde de la Rivière maintient un port sur l'île d‘Arenway, mais de par le Traité de Bois-Sauvage, les marins ne sont pas autorisés à aller au-delà du port fortifié. La plupart des navires qui naviguent la Sellen s’arrêtent ici pour avoir leurs navires bénis par un druide, une bénédiction qui, selon la tradition, leur offre une protection contre les dangers des deux rivières. Cassomir maintient sa fière position d’être le cœur de la marine de l'Empire et, sans doute, le cœur de toute l'activité navale sur la mer Intérieure. Cassomir a vu la naissance des plus grands bâtiments navals de la Marine Impériale, avec les meilleurs chantiers navals et les meilleures familles d’artisans de Golarion travaillant pour l'Amiral et le Grand Prince sur des dizaines des générations. Cassomir voit rarement passer une semaine sans qu’un nouveau trois mats imposant ne soit lancé et remorqué au sein de la Baie des Etoiles pour entrer au service de l'Empire.

Même ceux qui ne connaissent rien à la marine reconnaissent immédiatement que le commerce principal à Cassomir est la construction navale. Les coques squelettiques des navires partiellement construits bordent les ports, formant une ligne d’horizon accidenté comme les anciens bâtiments de la cité autour de la baie. Construit sur une lande de terre gagnée sur les marais environnants, la cité fluviale sent et transpire l’humidité et semble toujours animé.

La deuxième plus grande ville du Taldor, stratégiquement situé à l'embouchure de la Sellen sert également Taldor comme une ville de commerce, connecté à tous les royaumes utilisant la navigation fluviale, notamment Galt, Mendev, Les Royaumes Fluviaux et Kyonin. Des navires de commerce de toutes les nations de la Mer Intérieure et au-delà se trouve toujours à l'ancre dans la Baie des Etoiles au large de Cassomir pour éviter la Marine Impériale dans leurs fouilles de routine et leur taxation. Tous les bateaux qui tentent d’accéder à la rivière Sellen sans avoir été préalablement abordé sont recherchés par la Marine Impériale et sont pourchassés pour être soit confisqués soit simplement coulés. Cassomir agit également en tant que porte d’entrée de la Verduran, une région semi-autonome du Taldor sous contrôle de l’Empire, grâce au traité de Bois Sauvage signé en 3841.

La conception unique de Cassomir reflète sa longue histoire. Autrefois un simple port marchand centré autour de l'ancienne abbaye Quickfall (site sacré pour les fidèles du dieu mort Aroden, aujourd'hui en ruines), Cassomir à vite grandi pour devenir le cœur de la marine de l'empire, et une série de remparts fortifiés ont été construits à l'ouest de la ville d'origine, qui est aujourd'hui appelé le Vieux Cassomir. Comme l'attitude expansionniste du Taldor augmentait, il en a été autant de son besoin en navires, et bientôt le petit port a été agrandi et amélioré et des dizaines de cales sèches ont été ajoutés pour la construction d'énormes navires de guerre.

Une augmentation du trafic maritime à forcer le Grand Prince à étendre Cassomir, drainant une partie des marais de Blackwood au sud des chantiers navals pour faire place à un nouveau château et ses quartiers environnants. Cette zone de Cassomir est devenu connu comme le Bourbier de l'Amiral, car toutes tentatives pour planifier et ordonner les rues, les bâtiments, les égouts et les trottoirs ont été vaines, déjouée par le marais. Ses doigts humides et sombres s’infiltrant sans cesse pour incliner ici un bâtiment ou d'ouvrir là un gouffre au milieu d'une rue très fréquentée.

Le pénultième morceau de Cassomir, a été construit il y a seulement 200 ans : le Château Grayguard. Cette structure aux parois noires entoure un énorme temple autrefois dédié à Aroden est maintenant partagée par les nombreuses confessions de Taldor. Château Grayguard sert aussi de centre administratif et de maison du gouverneur de Cassomir et est la résidence officielle du Grand Prince lors de ses visites, qu'il fait au moins une fois par an pour faire une inspection personnelle de ses nouveaux navires. Le quartier le plus récemment érigé est une série d’îlots rocheux escarpés au large de la côte du château Grayguard connu comme les Dents du Chien. Ce quartier délabré composé de cabanes, de maisonnette en bois vermoulu, de tentes et de grottes constitue le cœur de la culture d’aventures et des vagabonds de Cassomir. Ces petits amas de roches, sales, durs et impitoyables dans lesquelles la bonne personne, avec de l’or et les bons contacts, peux obtenir à peu près tout ce qu'un aventurier expérimenté pourrait désirer.

Le dur travail quotidien donne au Cassomirien moyen une allure bourrue, une attitude pragmatique, et une volonté tenace pour terminer ce qui doit être fait. Fainéants, vagabonds, criminels et tous ceux qui ne gagnent pas leur pain avec leur tripes et leurs mains sont considérés comme des citoyens de seconde classe. Même ceux qui passent leurs jours dans une maison de maître à commander leurs serviteurs ou à se tenir debout au coin de la rue à aboyer des ordres à la plèbe sont considérés dans Cassomir comme arrogant, vantard, et corrompu. Les habitants de Cassomir sont un peuple religieux, vénérant en premier lieu Gozreh, même si une petite minorité de la ville vénère encore Aroden et refuse d'accepter sa mort. Lorsque la saison de la pêche commence de nouveau à chaque printemps, les prêtres de Cassomir de Gozreh mènent une procession solennelle dans les rues, en frappant un tambour solitaire et en chantant dans l'ancienne Azlanti une prière pour la protection et apaisant de la mer. Traînant derrière les prêtres, dans une ligne qui s'étend sur plusieurs pâtés de maisons, viennent les épouses des pêcheurs de Cassomir, leurs visages peints en rouge, en souvenir de ceux qui sont morts en mer. Ils chantent le vieux chant et transportent des seaux de peinture rouge, éclaboussant chaque coin de rue pour finalement le vider dans la mer à la fin de la procession.

Titre Centre de la Marine Impériale
Type Metropole
Alignement Neutre
Limite (po) 8000
Revenus 50000
Population 32340
Habitants 61% humains, 20% halfelins, 2% nains, 2% elfes, 2% demi-elfes, 10% gnomes, 2% demi-orques
Personnalités Admiral Kasaba, Head of the Taldan Imperial Navy (Humaine f, LN, commoner 1/fighter 3/expert 3)
?, Prêtre de Gozreh (half-elf m, LN, oracle 8)
Governor Bozbeyli, Gouvernor of Cassomir (humain m, LN, fighter 6)
?, Prêtre d'Abadar (humain m, LN, cleric 7)
Jean Coremont, The Lion of Taldor (humain m, N, rogue 5/fighter 4)
Brother Zaganos, Representative of the Wildwood Lodge (humain m, N, druid 7)
Tarik the Unclean, Dog's teeth ruler (half-orc m, N, fighter 4/rogue 2)
Ethem Baler, Chief Shipwright of the Imperial Naval Shipyards (gnome m, LN, expert 5)
?, Prêtre de Cayden Cailean (humain m, CG, cleric 6)
?, Prêtresse de Pharasma (humaine f, N, cleric 5)